Thursday, July 25, 2019

Aggregate planning strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Aggregate planning strategies - Essay Example UPS is one the world’s most competitive parcel delivery companies. They have branches all around the globe and continue to seek expansion. But before these dreams of expansions can be realized, it is very important that the company invests so much in its human resource base. The company also works so much with inter-country delivery representatives as their delivery system is directly incorporated into the door-step delivery system. As part of the growth agenda, the company uses the Mixed Strategy of the aggregate planning strategy to get its corporate plan delivered. Company Purpose and Business Scope Judging from the different types of business that UPS does as a company, there is no denying the fact that the company lives up to the saying of â€Å"enabling commerce around the world†. This is said because the major business area of the company is courier services, which ensures that the company collects and distributes parcels and other forms of items to people all ac ross the globe. In the wake of globalization where internet trading has been the hallmark of global commerce (Perry, 2008), it takes the shipping services of UPS to get good and products that are purchased on the internet to travel miles around the world to reach their owners. With such services, global commerce would have been affected negatively because electronic commerce, which is the pivot of doing commerce around the world, would not have happened (Tawiah, 2009). ... ngible resources, the company needs a very large array of financial resource, human resource, transportation resources, technological hardware resource, among others. Labor skills and knowledge, intellectual property, corporate branding and competitive advantage are some of the intangible resources that the company needs to execute its services (Ankomah, 2005). Combing the urgency with each of these resources, which are varying and different must be available, it can clearly be said that UP is a company that depends largely on a greater volume of variable resources to get its businesses successfully undertaken. Job opportunities available The employability of UPS is clearly determined by its size and scope of business. Looking at the fact that the company is fast branding itself as the face of global commerce, it would be seen that the company has several branches and offices around the world. Most of these are networked and interrelated to ensure that the company operates on a simil ar organizational culture (Gabby, 2009). Due to the demand for labor, the company presently employs as many as 398,300 workers (Ankomah, 2005). This not withstanding, there remain job opportunities in areas of distribution operations managers, customer relations personnel, logistics executives, corporate branding managers, sales personnel, international public relations, marketers and drivers. Interestingly, these job openings represent the different kinds of jobs that are undertaken at the company and through all ranks of the company’s organizational hierarchy. Nature of business The jobs available at UPS are diverse and divergent. Whereas some are top executive job openings, some are corporate openings that are ideal for young graduates, and there are also jobs for non-degree holders

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